Friday, June 20, 2014

April showers, brought May flowers... But, when am I going to get my bouquet?

Greetings from Occupied Territory...

I started this blog a couple of years ago, with the hopes of documenting my thoughts while in NW Oregon.  I thought that when I first came here, it would be so much better than California... Boy, was I sadly mistaken!  Whenever you hear of the Left, and how "tolerant" they claim to be, know that it's nothing but a lie.  Why do I say it's a lie?  Simple; they're only tolerant, as long as your ideas don't interfere with their preconceived opinions!

With regards to racism, the Portland area is by far, one of the most racist in the country... yes I said it, Portland is a bastion of racism!  If you don't believe me, even National Report says so (, as does this person ( At one time, Lake Oswego, OR had the dubious nickname of Lake No Negro.  Now, why would an affluent community like Lake Oswego have such an intolerant nickname?  Simple; they were racists, and still are!!!  That isn't to say that the Black community (I won't deign to call them African-American, because the term is oxymoronic... Would a white Afrikaner woman from South Africa, becomes an American citizen... Does this make her African-American?  Or how about the Arab from Morocco?  Same situation... Does that make that person, African-American? It should, because they came directly from the continent of Africa; but sadly, it isn't the case!!!) has made strides towards equality, especially those that adopt the Leftist Agenda.  Because they chose to cave into "Whitey's demands," they get the table scraps of the Leftist White table!  Wow... how does it feel, knowing that you've just compromised all of your principles, just to collect table scraps?!?!

Let's get real, people... The Black Community for all intents and purposes, is very conservative!  There are those of you that say otherwise, but I know better!  When I was younger, I attended an AME Baptist Church in Olivehurst, CA.  My neighbours (and subsequently, my best friends at the time) were Black, and I understand how they are!  They're family oriented, faith based, and Mom and Dad won't put up with bullshit from the kids!  Kids that were bad, got their asses beat... plain and simple!  This recent phenomenon of Blacks collecting welfare, and living the "gangsta life," is something that occurred within the last 50 years!  With the advent of the Great Society, Blacks within the urban areas were fed a line of bullshit that helped to create this dependence!  Now, the Gangsta Lifestyle is part of our pop culture.  It's a phenomenon I'd honestly like to see pass, just like Haley's Comet.

What about us Latinos?  It's much worse for us up here, because we're different from the Leftist Whites.
We don't speak English as our first language (I'm not including myself, for I was born in California, and my first language is English, even though I was raised within the culture... I served in the U.S. Marine Corps, and I consider America my home! This place is something that I put my ass on the line to defend, with my life, if necessary!), and our traditions aren't exactly WASPy traditions!  We're Catholic, not Protestant.  We're brown, not white.  We're loyal to our families, in spite of the fact that we have family members that are complete assholes... We work hard to provide for our families, in spite of the ungrateful children we may have.  We also work hard to instill virtues into our children; virtues like the value of working hard, thrift, personal responsibility, the value of family, and faith!

It seems that these values, are almost nonexistent within the Leftist White community here, for I've seen families destroyed by drugs, alcohol, and premature pregnancy.  Because we have these values, we're often scorned by the Leftist White establishment.  Why?  Simple... we prefer to earn our way, rather than to depend upon them for sustenance, or financial aid.  Because of this, we're often only able to find menial work, all because the Leftist Whites just don't understand how it is this Mexican guy is willing to work longer than this White guy...

As for me, I'm unique... I don't fall into the category of Hispanic (I do, but according to them, I don't), because I don't have a Spanish surname, or a Spanish accent.  Because I look Hispanic, I often have to deal with condescending Leftist Whites here.  They'll try to speak Spanish to me; what shocks the hell out of them (and is a constant source of vindictive amusement to me...), is when I respond in either German, or French!!!  Or, even better... English!!!  When I respond in English, they're even more shocked that a Hispanic can speak their language better than they can!  What's even more disturbing to them, is that I'm better educated than they are!!!  At first, this was amusing, but as my time stretched into years, it has grown offensive!  When you're in a foreign country, do you try to speak English to them, or do you try to speak the language that they speak there?  The USA has become unique in this regard, because of the Leftist notion of amnesty for illegals!

Leftist Whites don't want to do the menial work, so they leave it to the illegals.  This is something they turn a blind eye to, and for good reason... They want to destroy our country, the same way the ANC destroyed South Africa!  As an American, I find these Leftist Whites to be offensive, and should be prosecuted for their intolerance!  Before you start thinking that I'm racist, know this... I'm not!  My wife is White (Italian), my ex is White, and the majority of my friends in California are White!  All of my girlfriends have been White, though I have had interludes with ladies of different ethnic persuasions! So, with that being said, these are only observations I've made since I've been here.  And, unless the Leftist White establishment stops this nonsense, Oregon will continue on its downward spiral into economic morass.

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